WHO IS SHE? An up and coming independent designer based in the Bay Area of California. I started off sewing my junior year of high school customizing sweaters, shoes, and other things for myself. With the purchase of my first sewing machine my senior year I knew I would be unstoppable. Unfortunately I had never used a sewing machine a day in my life. But with a lot of determination I figured out and since then have been furthering my skills and making apparel for just about anyone who wants a bit of YO SHANK! swag. WHAT DOES SHE DO? Self taught sewer my main goal in the YO SHANK! line to to create more uniqueness in fashion. The number one reason why no two things I make are exactly the same. ORIGINALITY IS EVERYTHING. Everything in my portfolio are things I have made and examples of things I can make for you. Since like I said, no two things I make are the same you can trust you won't see another soul wearing it. YO SHANK! is not only about originality but also eco-friendly. The majority of the items I make are made from reused materials and fabrics.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Personal Fashion Icons

Here is the top 5 personal fashion icons. The people who, to me, have the best style and uniqueness, the two things that are most important to me when it comes to fashion.

1. M.I.A

A British singer-songwriter, rapper and record producer whose eclectic compositions combine elements of hip-hop, electronica, dance, avante-garde, alternative and world music. She also has some of the dopest style I have ever witness. Its very urban eccentric and colorful, my two favorite things. I absolutely love her swag. Not to mention her music is the shit! lol

2. La Roux (Elly Jackson)

Lead singer of the electro-pop English group La Roux. I love her style so much because it is mostly masculine themed.You usually find her in an array of mixed patterns, something studded, colorful, tons of accessories and oxfords (my fav!). When I was in high school I use to love wearing men's suit jackets and ties as well as bow ties. I still have a great attraction to men's clothing and I can't wait to start making some. Anyways La Roux's Elly Jackson makes my list for having breaking the rules of what men and women are "suppose" to wear and having a sick ass hair do!

3. Rupaul

Drag Queen super star is on this list because he is simply fabulous. In and out of Drag. His style is always animated and over the top. Rupaul also is not afraid to be who he really is and express his creativity threw fashion and I find that so inspiring. I've always loved drag shows and I can't wait til I finally go to one! It has to be a Rupaul one though..

4. Santigold

Santigold cannot be classified. The exact reason why she is one of my icons. From her music jumping genres to her attire jumping styles. Her style really varies from day to day which I can relate to myself. One day you can catch me wearing a men's button up and tie, the next day I could be wearing a polka dot corset. Its all in the mood! And that's important in fashion to me, switching it up. I hate seeing people wear the same style of clothing every day. BORING! Santigold's music has sometimes been compared to M.I.A. so if you like her then you'll like Santigold. I love them both!

5. Last but not least PRINCE

Prince is not only a fashion icon of mine but he is also my idol. I am the biggest Prince fan ever. He made this list though because he, like Elly Jackson, have blurred the lines between what is acceptable for men and women to wear with his controversial feminine detailed style looks. Ruffles, high waisted tight pants, lace, heels, and in this case polka dots are exactly how he does so.

All of these people who are on my fashion icons list are not only here because they have unparalleled fashion sense but they're also people who blurr the lines between what is and is not acceptable to wear. Each and every one of them inspire me to own my creativity and express it threw the clothes I wear.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More! (cont)


YO SHANK! : 2011

Its been quite a while since I updated my clothing blog but it's a new year and sewing is all that's on my mind.

I recently just enrolled in school in San Francisco to take a few sewing classes. Of course I already know how to sew (I taught myself in high school and couldn't stop ever since) but I would really like to further my skills to open up new possibilities for my line. So far it has been great and I'm looking forward to learning more.

Anyways, lately I've really been into make accessories so hers a few new things I whipped up. Let me know what you guys think!